ponedeljek, 31. marec 2008
nedelja, 30. marec 2008
The SLOVENE LANGUAGE is the only major Slavic language that retains full grammatical use of the dual, including distinct dual forms for both nouns and verbs (LINK)
četrtek, 27. marec 2008
sreda, 26. marec 2008
ponedeljek, 24. marec 2008
petek, 21. marec 2008
četrtek, 20. marec 2008
sreda, 19. marec 2008
torek, 18. marec 2008
sobota, 15. marec 2008
petek, 14. marec 2008
četrtek, 13. marec 2008
sreda, 12. marec 2008
Takle mamo
torek, 11. marec 2008
Prebujeni kostanj
V skladu z Bachovim cvetnim zdravljenjem je kostanjev popek namenjen ljudem, ki stalno ponavljajo iste napake in se iz njih nič ne naučijo.
petek, 7. marec 2008
Fotograf Steve Mc Curry

avtor najbolj prepoznavne fotografije revije National Geographic - afganistanske begunke - je bil včeraj gost na razstavi o Afganistanu v Amsterdamu. Ameriški fotograf, katerega fotografije pripovedujejo zgodbe. Pretresejo, vzbudijo čustva in začarajo. Vsaj mene so - tako včeraj na njegovi predstavitvi še neobjavljenih fotografij, kot tudi v njegovih knjigah. Povedal je, da je budist, o svoji formuli za uspeh pa tole:
"If you can just relate to people as real people and establish some rapport, whether you joke around with them or whatever, people respond and open up, and are happy to be photographed. I don’t think there’s any mystery or trick about it. I think a lot of times the mistake people make, is that they see these people as different. But once you break that ice they’re like anybody else. They just happen to be working in a field or as a monk in a monastery. The thing that fascinates me is that we’re all playing these different roles but we’re all part of the same human race. We’re the same, but we do things in different ways. We eat different food live in different houses speak different languages."
Še nekaj njegovih fotografij:
"If you can just relate to people as real people and establish some rapport, whether you joke around with them or whatever, people respond and open up, and are happy to be photographed. I don’t think there’s any mystery or trick about it. I think a lot of times the mistake people make, is that they see these people as different. But once you break that ice they’re like anybody else. They just happen to be working in a field or as a monk in a monastery. The thing that fascinates me is that we’re all playing these different roles but we’re all part of the same human race. We’re the same, but we do things in different ways. We eat different food live in different houses speak different languages."
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