Watching the commotion of the ocean
As the waves come crashing in
Analyzing why I'm hiding
Why I won't give in
Sitting at night all on my own
Wishing I could get the nerve to phone
Just to hear your voice again
I know I love you but I know I'm scared
And I know you love me and I know you care
It's something special, It's something great
It may be wrong but heaven can wait
Heaven can wait
I cherish the times that we've spent together
And all the late night talks
And every moment that you've crossed my mind
You're always in my thoughts
You make me so happy, you make me whole
Do anything for you, I'm under your
I know I love you but I know I'm scared
And I know you love me and I know you care
It's something special, It's something great
It may be wrong but heaven can wait
Heaven can wait
Heaven can wait...
Burning Brazil
4 komentarji:
Nikar ne čakaj! Nebesa so lahko tukaj in zdaj!
Sem prepričan, da jih boš spet našla!
Te objemam!
Nebesa lahko počakajo. V pomladno tišino se zapletajo misli samote in takrat tiho diham na obronku Krasa, s pogledom zazrtim daleč čez srnje hrbte in lilije, rastoče v majhnih šopih. Čakam in vem, da si nekje za obokom mojega neba, ptica nad oblaki, sonce v mojih dlaneh. Ker sem ljubila, vem, da lahko ljubim še in še. Ptico, ki si upa prileteti in sesti na mojo dlan, z zavedanjem, da sva od tega trenutka naprej dve. Jaz in ona. Z žarom v očeh, na obronku Krasa, z lilijami, dišečimi po mladih čebelah.
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